
The DSpace plugin uses the KnowledgeArc REST API to embed DSpace communities, collections and items within Joomla!.

Plugin Configuration

You will need to specify default connection settings to point to a KnowledgeArc REST API-enabled DSpace instance.

Navigate to the JCar - DSpace plugin's settings using the Plugin Manager.

Under "Plugin", set the REST URL, key and secret. Once connected, JCar will be able to pull records from DSpace and display them in Joomla!.

You can also change the way JCar displays items:

Exclude Bundles: Do not show particular groups of files. For example, you can stop JCar from displaying thumbnails and license text files. Separate multiple bundles using a comma.

Stream Assets via JCAR: JCar can stream file downloads through Joomla!. This can be useful for generating more accurate web analytics. Select "Yes" to enable this feature.

Article Embed Code Options

Additional options can be passed to the JCar - DSpace plugin when using the {jcar} embed code, allowing for per-article configuration. These options include:

Rest Url: Change the location of the archived item by pointing the REST Url to a different archive.

Key: The key of the new location configured via Rest Url.

Secret: The secret of the new location configured via Rest Url.

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